how to snap out of it

i’ve always found it hard to snap out of it. like when i get an unnecessary dip in my mood — the kind that makes me roll my eyes at myself the next day.

sometimes i’d tell myself it’s not a big deal. but soon, i realised that my mood affects the people around me. sometimes i’d slip and say a nasty thing or two, especially to people i’m closest with.

and the next moment, i feel guilt rise to the brim and there’s this overwhelming annoyance that gnaws at me from the inside.

ever felt that way?

“just snap out of it”

it’s something i’ve been told more than a few times. and something i constantly fail at.

if you’ve ever found yourself getting all sucked into your emotions — and there’s nothing you can do to will yourself out of it — well… you and i are cut from the same cloth.

i’ve always found it impossible to “snap out of it”. until recently. i finally figured out how.

here’s how i get out of an emotional dip

i literally snap my fingers to get out of it.

no kidding. it’s actually worked wonders for me. i came up with a strange, only-known-to-me finger snapping combination. something out of the blue, and not what i’d usually do.

for some reason, a physical cue like that feels like a real, concrete decision. i don’t need to fight competing voices in my head. and if the first time doesn’t work, i snap my weird combination again. subtly of course, so no one thinks i’m crazy. and then after a few times, my mind calms down.

it’s not really about snapping your fingers

the magic isn’t in the snapping. i guess it’s the conscious effort in making a decision. i’m more of a sensor and i like to feel connected to the real world. so snapping my fingers helps me feel like i’m making a tangible decision to own my emotions.

i’m not sure if this will help you but this little trick has helped me and i thought i might let you guys know.

it sounds crazy and strange but hey, if it works for you, that’s awesome!

and if it doesn’t, there’s no harm trying.

p/s: i’m not an expert in mental health i’m just a person on the internet sharing my strange experiences, hoping that i can connect with someone out there.


saturday, please


get it together